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Immediate improvements to quit smoking

There is a chronology of the benefits to the smoker's body once it has decided to leave this as harmful habit.
These benefits result not only in the immediate improvement of ex-smoker, but the medium and long term shows that the benefits are precisely the reduction in risk for dangerous and deadly diseases like cancer.

In others, the risk for certain disorders or coronary heart disease, resemble that of the population non-smoker.
I invite you to read these lines and make you aware that you must quit

20 minutes -> decrease heart rate and blood pressure

8 hours -> nicotine blood levels fall by 93%

12 hours -> blood levels of carbon monoxide are normalized
Blood oxygen levels increase to normal values

24 hours -> no longer detected nicotine in the bloodstream.

48 to 72 hours -> Nerve endings start to regrow The sense of taste and smell begin to improve. Breathing is less difficult and lungs work better
. The whole body is completely free of nicotine

10 days to 2 weeks -> Blood circulation in the gums and teeth is similar to nonsmokers.

2 to 4 weeks -> disappears anxiety, difficulty concentrating, impatience, insomnia, anxiety and depression.
2 weeks to 3 months -> improves blood circulation. Improves ability to walk, lung function improved by 30%

Improves appearance of skin as it loses the gray pallor and becomes less wrinkled.
Chronic cough disappears Fall risk of heart attack.
1 to 9 months -> cilia begin to grow again in the lungs of mucus favoring handling, cleaning the lungs and reducing the risk of infection.

Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath. Decreases colds, throat infections and headaches
Generally increase the energy and ability to concentrate.

1 year -> The risk of coronary heart disease, falls in the middle of a smoker
Reduces the risk of premature death from a heart attack.

5 years -> The risk of suffering a stroke is the same as that of nonsmokers
10 years -> The risk of dying from lung cancer is reduced by almost half compared to an average smoker who smokes a pack a day.

Reduces the risk of cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas.
15 years -> The risk of coronary heart disease is similar to that of nonsmokers.

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